Blog Archive
Registered Dietitian, Certified LEAP Therapist
Danielle VenHuizen, MS, RDN
Weight Loss: Why is it so damn hard?
You know it’s funny. People often ask me what my favorite type of client to work with is. I usually...
What is the best eating schedule? Three meals, many meals or even fasting? Reviewing common diet patterns and what may work best for YOU.
It seems the “experts” are always changing their minds on what and when we should eat. Eat this. Don’t eat...
The Comfort of a Fall Routine
I don’t know about you, but I’m in total denial that it’s Fall. Every year about this time I refuse...
Eat This For Healthy Summer Skin
Warmer weather is finally upon us, and with that, it seems everyone is trying to look and feel their best...
Easing Menopause with Diet
Oh menopause. The "change," as they say. This season of life is so often regarded as a very challenging time...
Zero Calorie Sweeteners: No Bueno Say the Experts
Once again non-nutritive or “artificial” sweeteners are making the news. New evidence shows that there are negative biochemical changes in...
Exercise: Is it really less important than diet for weight loss?
I have been hearing for some time now that when it comes to weight loss, exercise is not king. Diet...
Keeping those New Year’s Resolutions Going from January and Beyond…
Ok friends, it's done and gone! If you were on a “diet” or had other resolutions you were working on in...
Can Diet Calm an Anxious Mind?
Anxiety. It’s a common ailment. When my clients list their medical history, anxiety is often on the list. It seems...
Are diets one size fits all? Research suggests not all diets are created equal when it comes to your genes.
Once again I’m pondering the research around “diets.” First of all, I hate the word diet. It implies some sort...