Artificial Sweeteners and our Children’s Health
Recent articles have discussed the growing use of artificial sweeteners among children in the US. It seems, with the increased...
Is saturated fat good for you?
Likely by now you’ve heard the debate. Is fat, and in particular saturated fat, bad for you or not? In...
Low Carb Diet and Gut Health: Are we doing more harm than good?
Low-carb diets are all the rage right now, and with good reason. They have shown promising results in promoting weight...
The Artificial Coloring of our Holidays
It’s that time of year again! Colorful confections are hitting the store shelves, and likely your kids, like mine, are...
Easy Tips to Spice up Your Diet!
I love adding spices to my cooking. Besides some of the well-hyped health benefits, they just make food more interesting....
Eating Healthy on Vacation: Can it be Done?
It’s that time of year again… summer travel! The thing I hear over and over again is this. “Well, I’m...
L is for Leafy Greens
“Eat more leafy greens!” Do you hear that all the time? Or is it just me? Seems like a saying...
10 Super Foods to Eat this Spring
Warmer weather is gradually arriving (at least to us in Seattle!) and many of you, like myself, are likely starting...
Why is behavior change towards healthy diet and lifestyle so hard?
I’ve been pondering this question ever since reading an article that public health officials in the UK want to start...