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Food Sensitivities
What is the MRT Test? Five Reasons to Consider Food Sensitivity Testing Using MRT
There’s one test I’ve used consistently and with amazing results for over ten years now in my practice. It’s the...
Food Sensitivity Testing: Friends Don’t Let Friends Do IgG Tests
Are you like me? Did some well-meaning practitioner at some point recommend IgG testing as a means to find out...
As a Dietitian, What Do MY Kids Eat For Breakfast?
As a Dietitian, I know people are constantly scrutinizing what I and my family eat. I’m not complaining; I get...
Book Review: The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin
It seems that amongst the continual slog of new diet books coming on the market, more and more of them...
Elimination Diets: The Gold Standard for Food Sensitivities?
Have you ever gone through the rigor of an elimination diet to see if there are foods in your diet...
The LEAP Diet: The Ultimate Food Sensitivity Diet Plan
Food sensitivities seem to be on the rise. Whether the symptoms are finally being recognized or the incidence in truly...