I Love You Sardine
As I was eating my salad this afternoon of greens, beets, cucumbers, avocado, black beans, sardines and balsamic vinaigrette, I...
Spice it up!
As a rule, American food tends to be rather bland. We don’t utilize a lot of spices in our cooking...
German Christmas Stollen
Most of us have Christmas traditions that we look forward to every year. Generally these involve decorating the house, trimming...
Parents’ Influence On Children’s Eating Habits is Limited
I stand corrected. Parents may not be the most important factor in developing their child's eating habits in the long...
Getting Your Kids to Eat What YOU Want Them to Eat
Nutrition for children is one of my passions. It helps that I am a mom so I have a vested...
Is the Vitamin D Debate Settled Once and For All?
As I mentioned the other day, the new Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D and Calcium just came out. I’ve...
Hot Off the Press! New Guidelines for Vit D and Calcium Intake
Report Brief - Institute of MedicineI'll post my comments soon, but in the meantime, what do you think?
It’s almost Turkey Day…..let’s get cookin’!
Thanksgiving is almost here, and no, there is no “tofurkey” here at the VenHuizen house. Nor will there ever be. ...
Healthy Fats?
I've been asked to share a little more about healthy fats. So I shall. Fats are wonderful things. They are...